Diabetic? Vision Getting Blurry? Hurry To Your Eye Doctor To Save Your Sight

Posted on: 26 September 2018

One of the complications of diabetes is vision problems. High blood sugar causes the tiny veins in your eyes to burst and bleed. Unfortunately, you may not notice any symptoms in the initial stages of damage. This is why it is of utmost importance that you see your eye doctor as soon as you are diagnosed with diabetes and then at least every year after that. In addition, if you notice any "
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Early Signs Of Vision Impairment

Posted on: 18 July 2018

Sometimes, vision impairment may creep up on you without much fanfare. Here are some of the early signs of vision impairment: You Need Brighter Light to Read You are able to "see" because light from the images or objects you are viewing hit your eyes and get sent to the brain where they are processed. A reduction of these rays can make your vision blurry. Therefore, if you find yourself needing brighter light to read or see things as clear as you used to do, then there is a chance your eyes have damaged lenses, and they are not admitting all the light rays they should be admitting.
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Elderly Eye Care For Your Loved One

Posted on: 1 May 2018

Most elderly won't complain about a lot of problems unless those problems are something they feel they are up to dealing with. Many elderly people grow stubborn as they age, and they like to put things off that they don't see as a big deal, and it can take a lot for something to seem like a big deal to them. This is why you want to make sure to watch out for your elderly loved one and be sure they are taking good care of their eyes.
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3 Signs You Should Consider Having Vision Correction Surgery

Posted on: 3 March 2018

If you have less than perfect vision, you might have at least thought of having vision correction surgery done. However, you could be concerned about various things when it comes to having this surgery done. Of course, vision correction surgery is not for everyone. However, it can be a good choice for many people. These are a few signs that it might be something that you will want to talk to your eye doctor about.
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